Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Week at School

It's going to take some adjustments for school. I don't have all the programs necessary for some of the classes. Much of the homework will have to be done at school. I no longer have the XP operating system for the class I have a midterm in this week! Yes I said THIS week.

These classes are short but intense. The XP class is 6 times, four hours each time so every time, there is an in-class segment of work and a homework assignment plus light reading. The midterm is this week and the final is next week!!!

I don't anticipate any problem with it. I just have to stay on top of the work. That will mean extra hours at school where I have access to what I need and can get the job done. I have to check out the library here in town and see if they have the programs I need.

Next week I start a MS Word 2007 class. Although I have used various Word programs for years, I have little experience with this version which has some major changes in architecture.

The other class I started this week, Careers in IT, is on hold while the professor is on a trip to Alaska. This is a lucky break for me since it starts us in the going back to school process slowly. Last week it was half days, next it will be two full days, and the following week it is two half days plus two full days, before the full five day experience.

All in all, this is better than I expected. I'm not bored by either classes lectures and find them interesting. The classes go by quickly but who knows, as time wears on, how it will seem?

Monday, May 24, 2010

First Day of School

I have a little bit of anxiety but who knows what today will bring? I will add more after school.

Well school was really pretty good. I like the professor (who is the IT Dept head) and he gave us a big heavy book and all the supplies. I got a binder, dividers, highlighter, pen, pencil, flash drive, headset with a twenty foot extension, and lots of handouts to put in the binder. We took a test and I have homework already! Mostly we set up accounts, email, Blackboard, student access to the website, generally looking at it to see what we might need to use.

Driving home was hot, hot, hot with no air in the car even at 6 pm. Now its 7:15 and its still 90 degrees!!!

Tomorrow we meet a different professor for our 8 am class on XP. I'm taking a rolling bag this time just in case we get loaded down with more heavy books plus I assume all the miscellaneous stuff I need to take with me every day, at least until I figure out what we need it for.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Energy Assistance

Now I kind of wish I had recorded the trials and tribulations but instead will have to summarize. As you can imagine being unemployed has taken its toll financially and continues to be an issue.

I have finally qualified for energy assistance which has finished paying my winter heat bills. The city I live in has a self funded program for our electricity and water. Once I explained how tight things are, that I am going to school, and showed my income they forgave the current bill and more bills into the summer. Whoo hoo I finally have two nickles to rub together but that's only a dime so don't get too excited.

After I went to energy assistance they sent a second check but it takes a while for WE Energies to record it. Try a whole month! I went ahead and paid the May bill so I would not be late but it finally caught up. Now I have a credit that reduces the current bill. I wonder when we review my budget agreement?

I know its harder to apply in the big city, in some ways, due to long lines and bad areas where the offices are located. Small towns have their own obstacles like everyone knowing your business.

Moral of the story: when you ask for help, sometimes you get it.