Saturday, February 20, 2010

Disney on a budget

Well this blog has been non existent in my life for some time but I have been making progress all around. As I keep saying, this is a learning experience for me, so sometimes it takes a while.

So since we had a family event in California, I was sent a ticket and an invite for room and board while we were there. We watched the commercials for Disney's Give a Day Get a Day Program and jumped on it right after the New Year. The whole family participated making countless blankets for Project Linus which entitled us to a Free Day at Disneyland. We saved almost $500!

It was great. The weather was perfect and I managed to get enough sunscreen on that I had NO sunburn. The boys had been there before with me in their teens and with their grandma even earlier than that. Their spouses had never been there, but had both been to Disneyworld. So off we went with me making the usual suggestion "just before we get there, we have to eat". This is key to saving money at a theme park!

Figure it out fast, food prices vs $4 for just a soda or some other outrageous price for whatever. Not to say we didn't eat or drink but why not start out with reducing the amount you spend for every meal? Besides they have chains we don't have at home so Pollo Loco was brunch. I would also prefer to have had dinner after we left, but that was not to be, because we were far too tired and hungry before that time. We ended up at House of Blues late at night, where unfortunately the music was way too loud to stay there much after we had eaten our dinner :-( even though we were finally sitting down.

We did "Disney till you drop" which means get on the road early so you are amongst the first to arrive. Then we stayed in Disneyland proper till it closed and then moved over to Downtown Disney where there are even more shops, dining and entertainment possibilities. We were all tired puppies on the way home. I was fast asleep long before we got back.

Frankly I know the kids spent a lot, since they wouldn't let me pay for meals and they went home with handfuls of pins and other souvenirs. They had brought back packs for that purpose and had been saving Disney dollars for a couple of years to buy these trinkets but you really don't have to have sashes full of pins to have fun at Disney.

Thursday, February 04, 2010


"Capital isn't so important in business. Experience isn't so important. You can get both of those things. What is important is ideas. If you have ideas, you have the main asset you need, and there isn't any limit to what you can do with your business and your life. They are any man's greatest asset- ideas." ~~ Harvey Firestone