Sunday, December 08, 2024


There was a car wreck in October so I'm recovering. My arm had a compound fracture where the bone protruded from my forearm. I also broke a couple of ribs. 

I'm about 8 weeks post-op now and doing OT twice a week. I have a scar from my elbow to my wrist and a smaller one on top from the bone protrusion  I exercise 5 times a day because I know that is the way to rebuild my strength. My fingers are getting stronger one at a time. Right now I have good control over the pointer and index finger and am gradually getting stronger in the ring finger. I'm still working on my wrist too for flexibility

I'm allowed to go back to work but not the one I had because of lifting. So I'm looking for work again. I will have to be picky.

Monday, December 02, 2024

Job Hunt

 So the doctor said I could go back to work without lifting. I have applied for about 100 jobs and had one interview sp far.

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Games to Play Online

I've been looking for games to play online

This is the best one and we try to do a conference call with playing together a couple of times a week.

Saturday, September 01, 2018

Moving forward

So it's been years since I posted ... I was badly injured and home or at doctors, getting shots in my spine,  PT, OT, and trying to work for the first six months but then the first surgery, followed by a second. I've been unable to work. I'm a good patient and did what the doctors said so I am basically good as new now.

Out for my second interview and voila I got the job! I will be the Bookkeeper and work with the Owner to keep the cash flow moving, pay bills, accept payments, and do payroll prep to send out to the payroll company. My office is roomy with plenty of storage. Let's hope it works out well.

Wednesday, February 07, 2018

Surgery Again

For those who are wondering, Adam was my super companion today. Took me to the Surgery Center at 6:45 and hung out for a bit (in case), showed up as soon as they called, signed me out, stopped to pick up my drugs, brought me home, went out to get lunch, loosened caps (damn childproof BS), cut citrus fruit for me, stayed for the equipment delivery and demo, moved furniture to make that easier for me to use and spent the day just taking care of me. I feel blessed!

The surgery went well but I'm at the point where the nerve block is starting to wear off and other drugs are next. Thanks to those who sent prayers and positive healing thoughts!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

We Plan God Laughs

So day 2 of the new job, I come home... Six fire engines down the block and the street is blocked off by cop cars. I go over to my son's and talk to the grandson saying "How will I ever figure out what's going on?" My grandson, who is 17 at this point says "Didn't you say the police were there? Call the dispatcher."

Well duh! So I call and sure enough, the fire is in the unit above mine. I wait around with the neighbors to be escorted in to "get a few things". When I do it's raining inside and no power. I grab two giant freezer bags and fill them with the best of what's in the freezer. Big mistake.

I am put up in a hotel for 90 days with limited cooking facilities (microwave and hot plate). I do go to one of the local thrift shops and pick up a small crockpot, an electric wok, and some small heating elements made to keep coffee or tea warm which I thought could keep veggies warm while I microwaved something else), dash home for my regular crockpot and a few utensils.

Later in my stay when I am facing being relocated again to a fancy pants apartment, on Black Friday I grabbed an Instant Pot (which I love) and a huge air fryer (which the jury is still out on). I also grab bar glasses cheap and am still using those a lot but not in any number since I haven't had people over here. It just lets me use them till the dishwasher is full.

I did have a number of parties at Fancy Pants. I found out that people don't drink hard alcohol anymore, maybe a beer and definitely wine. I have a well-stocked bar that I moved from one place to another and work at it now and again. We had mostly pot lucks with people leaving food and even dishes behind them!

Sunday, February 21, 2016


So... new job, check, new place to live, check, new assistant, check, things are looking up! Having brunch today with the ladies after I pick up the keys, and dinner at a favorite Italian place tonight with a group of friends!