Friday, February 10, 2012

More about blogging

So being published on the web since 2000 does not make me an expert. I'm just fascinated by the written word and have quite a few of my own. The natural progression was my newsletter Fun on the Web which became a blog. I keep wondering what I can do to make it better.

So I went to the following:



In each I find things that resonate with me and the vision I have for my blogs. Yes plural. I have different blogs for different things. My Fun on the Web blog is a continuation of my newsletter (started in 2002) and existing in its current state here:

I have a cooking blog
that comes from the need to keep track of recipes I used and enjoyed but also for items I wish to try, tweek, and make my own. There are family recipes too. So often bookmarks just won't help find the recipes buried inside any website.

Simplify has a declared purpose to help me organize and keep lists of the many uses for common products everyone has around the house.


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