Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Back in the day when I was raising two boys I HAD to coupon. They ate me out of house and home. You wouldn't know it to look at me, but my boys are over 6 foot and well over 250. When they were teens they were pushing size 12 and size 13 feet (as they aged one is now a size 14 and the other is in a 13.) They acted like vacuum cleaners when that refrigerator door opened.

I clipped coupons when I watched TV. I had big manila envelopes for basic categories (dairy, vegetables, fruit, laundry and when I wanted to get more organized had white #10 envelopes inside them to sort into more detailed items (soap, dryer sheets, additives inside the laundry and cheese, yogurt, other inside dairy etc.)

Often I reached the 70 -75% off range at the store. In those days we didn't have double coupon but I was in multiple stores playing off deals with manufacturer's coupons and store coupons. I shopped at dollar stores for cleaning products and light bulbs. When there was an after holiday sale I was there. My kids never cared if the candy was wrapped in green and red (Christmas) or pastels (Easter), as long as they had some candy they liked.

Frankly my tip for that is: buy what they will eat and dole it out slowly. Those red candies work great for Valentine's Day and the green for St Patrick's Day. Who will know? Just don't leave chocolate in a car (cold or hot weather will ruin it.)

Nowdays they are showing extreme couponing on TV. I don't get a paper but I do print them. I mostly check out this site which links to some others:


If you are just starting this couponing process in a major way see



Tips to save $100

Courtesy of the Krazy Coupon Lady who will help you pair up your deals

Shellie will help you too

Monday coupons here

More at She Saved

Coupon Divas
has a how to


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